I didn't fail, I just found 10,000 ways that didn't work.– T. Edison

All endurance trainers worth their salt have their own lactate analyser in 2016. However, interpreting lactate tests is as controversial as the testing is simple.
Since my PhD in 1993, I have delved into and specialised in taking and interpreting exercise tests. The researcher in me has investigated through trial and error to find a valid determination of lactate thresholds and I explained my method a few years ago in my 'Endurance training, a state of the art' clinics.
By coming into contact with sports such as tennis and hockey, I further expanded and broadened my knowledge and knowhow in taking tests for speed, agility, power and explosiveness. Don't come to me for the 'coolest' test equipment but then again, all foodies know that you can't judge a cuisine by the restaurant's décor. Do expect an in−depth discussion and precise data on your condition with a comprehensive test report and personalised advice as to what you need to do. The aim is for you to surpass yourself and be at your peak at peak times!
E-mail karel@backtobasicsinsports.com or call +32 (0) 499/42.44.31 for more information.